Resep: Sempurna Chinese Chicken Porridge

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Chinese Chicken Porridge. Congee or porridge culture is one of the most outstanding features of Chinese cuisine, compared with western culture. We are eating congee along the entire year. They may appear differently in different seasons or places.

Chinese Chicken Porridge Congee is also known as rice porridge, jook, zhou, xi fan, or even gruel. This is a recipe for Chicken Ginger Congee. This Chinese porridge recipe is one of the most comforting breakfast favorites among the Chinese. Kamu bisa cook Chinese Chicken Porridge using 10 ingredients and 4 langkah. Begini caranya achieve it.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Chinese Chicken Porridge diantaranya :

  1. Sediakan 2 piring of Nasi.
  2. Sediakan 2 liter of Air matang.
  3. Siapakan Sepotong of dada Ayam.
  4. Sediakan 4 of ceker ayam.
  5. Siapakan Seruas of Jahe.
  6. Sediakan 3 siung of Bawang Putih.
  7. Siapakan secukupnya of Merica bubuk, Garam dan Kaldu Jamur.
  8. Siapakan secukupnya of Daun Bawang dan Bawang goreng.
  9. Sediakan 1 sdt of Minyak Wijen.
  10. Siapakan 4 butir of telur rebus.

The porridge (congee) is called the Lean Pork and Century Eggs Porridge (皮蛋瘦肉粥). Many people think that the only way to get the velvety smooth porridge is to simmer the porridge for long hours. There are no rules about what you can add to congee. Typically, people add meat, fish, vegetables, and herbs.

Berikut Cara Membuat Chinese Chicken Porridge Langkah demi langkah

  1. Haluskan bawang putih dan jahe. Sisihkan..
  2. Didihkan 1 liter air, masukkan dada ayam dan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan tadi. Masak sampai ayam matang. Angkat ayam, sisihkan. Goreng ayam, lalu suwir - suwir. Sisihkan..
  3. Masukkan nasi, merica, garam, dan kaldu jamur. Tambahkan sisa air. Masak sampai bubur matang. Menjelang diangkat, masukkan minyak wijen, aduk rata..
  4. Sajikan dengan taburan ayam suwir, daun bawang, bawang goreng dan telur rebus..

For protein, add shredded cooked chicken, cooked ground pork, cooked Chinese sausage, and/or a soft-boiled egg. Cooked mushrooms, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, and/or bamboo shoots make a nice addition. Step aside chicken noodle soup, here comes the Instant Pot Chicken Congee! Congee, also known as Jook, is a rice porridge that has thousands of years of history in the Chinese culture. It's the ultimate "feel good" comfort food that we crave for when we're not feeling well or when it's cold.