Membuat Masak Lezat Cantonese Style Chicken Congee

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Cantonese Style Chicken Congee. Making a good Cantonese rice porridge (also called rice congee) required patience and the right technique. This article outlines how to prepare the silkiest and most comforting Cantonese style porridge. This rice porridge is the breakfast and lunch staple in many Asian countries and serves in Dim Sum restaurants (they call it as jook in Cantonese) as one of the delicacies.

Cantonese Style Chicken Congee Serve it with chicken and soy sauce for a late-night Shanghai-style snack. Featured in: Review: Two Books To Master Chinese Cuisines. Especially those thick, smooth and creamy kind like the Cantonese version one. Kamu bisa cook Cantonese Style Chicken Congee using 9 ingredients and 7 langkah. Begini caranya achieve that.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Cantonese Style Chicken Congee antaralain :

  1. Sediakan 1 Cangkir of Beras (6 ons).
  2. Sediakan 2 of Paha Ayam.
  3. Sediakan 5-7 of Jahe Iris.
  4. Sediakan 2 batang of Daun bawang.
  5. Sediakan 3 Cangkir of Kaldu ayam.
  6. Sediakan 5 Gelas of Air.
  7. Siapakan 1 sdt of minyak wijen.
  8. Sediakan secukupnya of Garam.
  9. Siapakan of Pinch bubuk lada.

This Cantonese-Style Salted Chicken Congee with Sesame Oil & Rice Wine (港式麻油酒香咸鸡粥) is a very simple dish using simple ingredient - congee with marinated salted chicken with a touch of rice wine and sesame oil as a finishing.. However, the aroma from both the wine & oil bring out. Making a good Cantonese rice porridge (also called rice congee) required patience and the right technique. This video outlines how to prepare the silkiest and most comforting Cantonese style porridge.

Berikut Cara Membuat Cantonese Style Chicken Congee Langkah demi langkah

  1. Cuci bersih beras lalu keringkan, rendam beras selama 30 menit dengan 1 cangkir kaldu ayam.
  2. Cincang daun bawang, iris kecil memanjang jahe sisihkan.
  3. Potong dadu Paha Ayam, bumbui dengan garam dan bubuk lada, tambahkan irisan jahe aduk rata sisihkan.
  4. Didihkan 5 Gelas Air dan 2 cangkir kaldu ayam, masukan berasnya ke dalam air mendidih lalu masak sampai mendidih lagi, jangan tutupi panci, kecilkan api sedang Dan terus masak tanpa penutup.
  5. Tambahkan ayam yang sudah di campur dengan irisan jahe ke dalam panci masak sampai 20-30 menit aduk terus sampai bubur mencapai konsistensi yang kamu inginkan, kecilkan api dan jangan tutupi pancinya.
  6. Setelah siap cicipi terlebih dahulu, tambahkan garam jika perlu, lalu matikan apinya.
  7. Taruh bubur ayam dalam mangkok tambahkan daun bawang dan minyak wijen, siap disajikan.

Chef Zhao from the LAI WAN Restaurant in the LN GARDEN HOTEL GUANGZHOU is showing us how to prepare a traditional Congee - one of the finest specialties in the Cantonese cuisine. Though endless versions of savory rice porridge (also known as congee) exist worldwide, I know this dish by its Cantonese name, jook. On Sundays my grandmother would make a big pot for the family, with chicken or pork, but sometimes beef, or even seafood. How to Make a Good Cantonese Congee Base. Started in Restaurant Style Chinese Congee.